Request to, Hon. Secretary and Members,"Raja Multi storey apartments", Himalaya CHS,Ghatkopar west, Mumbai-400 084

We want Shri. Kiran landeji should look into the matter, and solve the embarrassments documented below : 

"This road starts from 2nd gate (From kachada dabba gate)  to Himalaya jogger's park via Raja multi storey apartments"

As the following photograps reveal the real state of road leading to "Himalaya joggers park, Himalaya parvatiya CHS, LTD, Ghatkopar west Mumbai". "This road starts from 2nd gate (From kachada dabba gate)  to Himalaya jogger's park via Raja multi storey apartments"

Now construction of the Raja apartments is over,  and members have been occupying regularly. We are happy !

This  is every-body's common road ; Raja building residents are also using this road, Surely ;  after the full occupation of the members,  more people and more vehicles definetely likely to make use of this road. 

As good neighbours, Raja apartment (Builders) should take the road construction on war footing and save the embarrssement caused ; and our humbe request to them not to make it  worse so that the out side authorities  have to enter to resolve this bad precedent !

Our  road,  has been spoiled by the Heavy trucks, carrying building material for the construction of 'Raja apartments' is a genuine fact :

The road has been spoiled to such an extent, the senior citizens, ladies and children are not able to walk. The Riksha drivers and Taxis refuse to bring their vahicles, near our buildings,  and all are very much inconvenienced  by this act. This happened mainly after the construction work started at 'Raja apartments'. Daily so many trucks carrying Cement, Iron rods, and building materials and like on this road uniterruptedly. The front gate safety iron girder, is also bent by the hit of the heavy trucks carrying building materials. 

Recently Raja apartment arranged to fix the water connection  pipe line. After digging the ground and  fixing the pipe, road is not leveled and repaired.  The photographs show the bad state of the roads. 

Constructing one concrete cement road,  and the other access road  is just left carelessly : It does not make sense ! It amounts to,  'we are not concerned about this road, any way our construction work is over, and our heavy trucks might not come in future'.  No body can guarantee sir.  This is not a good guesture either. It clearly shows the indifference of the builder and the office bearers, of the Raja apartment.

Sorry to say this, these are our conclusions ; we are living together  since long, as good neighbours ; but so much indifference and ..we do not want to say further. that is any body's guess.

-Greived  next-neighbours of  Raja apartment and Himalaya parvatiya CHS colony. 

The Safety Iron girder  which was fixed by us has been dashed and fallen by the Heavy trucks carrying building materials  and supplies for constructing "Raja apartments". To-day Raja Apartments is completed and it is ready for occupation.


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