
Showing posts from September 29, 2018

Bon voyages !

श्रीमती/श्री फिलोरिया परिवार अमेरिका संयुक्त संस्थान के टूर पर गए थे | अब वापिस आचुके है |हिमालय को. आप. हाउसिंग सोसाइटी के तरफ से कई अन्य लोग भी अमरीका सैर कर रहे है |  Shri. Taradatt Phuloriaji, the resident of The Himalaya Parvatiya CHS, Ghatkopar w, Mumbai : B rief history of The Himalaya parvatiya CHS, Ghatkopar w, Mumbai :  This residential co-op hsg.society, started during १९६२-६३, to cater the needs of the people from the Gadwall hilly region  area. During those days, most of the  residents were Taxi drivers, Govt. granted this place for very concession rate. Shri. Pandit Govindvallab Panth, then home minister, visited this place in 1962  and helped to sanction the said land, and it was earmarked, the area covered was from The home guards to society. 1969 a few buildings, A,B,C,D,E were built., by Messrs. Agarwal builders. At this juncture, Shri. Phuloriaji applied for the accommodation and purchased a flat at A building.  Govt. loan w...