75th Republic day celebrations were held at Himalay jogger’s park, Himalay parvatiya CHS, Ghatkopar (W) Mumbai-400084. Shri. Hansa datta pandeyji, Chairman, Himalaya jogger's park, is praying Near the photo of Bharath mataji Chairman, Shri. Pandeji speaks s : https://youtu.be/-ELaaD2tPJE Desh bhakti geet : https://youtu.be/sN2X_ILKNbg Namaste Jethaji
69th Republic Day Celebrations, on 26th, Jan, 2018, AT HIMALAYA JOGGERS' PARK, AT HIMALAYA PARVATIYA C.H.S. LTD, GHATKOPAR WEST, MUMBAI-84 ! LINK : https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOGyqlZeHv88PgGqOSZptauqgVslX1XLwb5CX6zh1DVW5zAYha8Yhf94uTRR5I-Uw?key=TU4yZENhbkZWelFaMVhDRlMtYktFUHp3Zml2d3hB
प्रशंसनीय उदाहरण : श्री. किरण लाण्डेजी, 'हिमालय जागर्स उद्यान' का सौंदर्यीकरण हाथ में लिया है | इस केलिए वे अपने निजी फंड इस्तेमाल कर रहे है | Chairman (Garden committee) Shri. Hansa datta pandeji, is showing around the garden to Shri. Kiranji, the Carporator, and Shri. Khimji is also with him. Grass cutting machine is being used to cut the grass. Video showing the activities of the members : https://photos.app.goo.gl/wWbjcsCZfXhgQ3UG7