'Yoga for women', at The Himalaya Joggers park, Ghatkopar west, Mumbai-84

                                                 Shri. Perminder singh ji.

                                           Shri. Hansa datta pandeji, and Shri. Bansidharji

                           Shri. Perminder singhji  and Shri. Hansadatta pandeji


                                 Shri. Hansa datta pandeji and Shri. Bansidharji

               Smt/Shri. Dasharath more, in their residence, Ghatkopar (W) Mumbai 

Yatin moreji, is one of the members of Himalaya joggers' park ! 

He is the son of our dear Swatantrya senani, Shri. Dashrath moreji. Now a days Moreji is not coming to park.


     'Women Yoga students' inside the Yoga Kutir  !

                                                     Yoga teacher


'Women Yoga teacher, and the participants'.

Venue : Himalaya Joggers' park, Ghatkopar (W)
Mumbai-400 084

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