New members to our Joggers' park....
This is Shri. Datta Induri, of Shiv-Parvati CHS !
He is a Fashion fabrics seller, mostly importing garments from China. He lives with his wife and two children, in Shiv-parvati CHS. We should encourage such young businessmen, who are not depending on Government jobs, and with their hard work and skill have come up in life. In fact, they might provide employment to the needy..
Shri. Venkatesh (Sr. Citizan) with Shri. Induri datt….
Monsoon-2018 (8th, July, 2018)
श्री दत्ता इंदोरे के पिताजी, श्री. नाना साहेब, जॉगर्स पार्क में आये थे, उनके पुत्र और पोता चि.प्रथमेश के साथ. वे गार्डन के सभी वरिष्ठ नागरिक साथ मिले : (९ आगस्ट, २०१८)
श्री. एच. आर. एल. वेंकटेश , श्री नाना साहेब, ची प्रथमेश, श्री. कापडिजी, और श्री. मौर्यजी
श्री. शर्माजी (गुरूजी), श्री. अरुण देशपाण्डेजी, श्री. एच. आर, एल.वेंकटेश, और, श्री, नाना साहेबजी
This is a very useful herb, for Arthritis
Karate teacher, Shri. Khopekar and his deputy and one student.
Shri. Kotian (N.K)