नया साऌ (२०१६) मुबारक । सभी लोगोंको हमारा हार्दिक शुभेच्छा !

Prominent members of Himalay Parvatiya Hsg. Soc.

               Lord Ganesh has come on the stage.                         Our Famous Anchor, Umeshji is conducting the program

Some nice Paintings appeared in the  competition
Arjun and his friends
               Children participated in the Dancing competition
Colony ladies took active part in the new year's celebration eve !
                                         Section of the Audience
                  The Judges on the New year celebration day.
                            Section of the audience
                               Purushottam bhai and his friend

                            Ladies were very active

                                     Children perform
                       Young teenagers did very good work
               Traditional Marathi Dance 
                    Children did very good dance program
Teenage girls performed very well.
                                  young boy and a girl
                            This boy did the very nice dance and got prize
                                         Prize winning performance
The judges....
Mauryaji with his daughter...


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